Saturday, 28th September Asia Pacific Stroke Conference 2024

7:05AM - 8:35AM
Saturday, 28th September
Hall A

Session Schedule:

07:00-7:05 | Welcome address by Tsong-Hai Lee (Taipei)

07:05- 08:25 | (15 min/talk Χ 5 talks)

7:05AM | 1. Light and Shadow of Anti-Aβ Antibody Therapy.
Speaker: Toru Yamashita (Okayama)
Chair: Jose C. Navarro (Manila)

7:20AM | 2. The association between antihypertensive management and cognitive impairment. A review.
Speaker: Chi-Hung Liu (Taipei)
Chair: Jie Yang (Chengdu)

7:35AM | 3. Fluid and Neuroimaging biomarkers in Dementia-expanding horizons.
Speaker: Man Mohan Mehndiratta (New Delhi)
Chair: Tsong-Hai Lee (Taipei)

7:50AM | 4. Brain Age in Vascular Cognitive Impairment
Speaker: Lung Chan (Taipei)
Chair: Chaur-Jongh Hu (Taipei)

8:05AM | 5. Lower serum BDNF as a predictor of post-stroke cognitive impairment in acute ischemic stroke patients
Speaker: Amelia Nur Vidyanti (Jakarta)
Chair: Dong-Eog Kim (Seoul)

08:25 – 08:30 | Closing Remarks: Koji Abe (Tokyo)

08:30 – 08:35 | Brief leg stretching break


8:35AM - 10:00AM
Saturday, 28th September
Hall A
Chairs: Richard Lindley & Lung Chen

Session Schedule:

08:35 – 09:55 | (20 minute cognitive/vascular neurology/talk x 4 talks)

  • Speaker: Nawaf Yassi, Amyloid angiopathy interaction with cognitive impairment
  • Speaker: Toru Yamashita, Post-stroke cognitive impairment - Epidemiology and types 
  • Speaker: Chaur Jong HU, Post-stroke cognitive impairment - Diagnosis and Treatment 
  • Speaker: Amy Brodtmann, Novel and emerging treatments for Alzheimer's Disease - next frontiers

09:55 – 10:00 VasCog Group photo and then an additional joint photo with ANZSO colleagues

10:00 – 10:15 Vas-Cog Asia directors board meeting (please non-members leave the room)

8:30AM - 10:00AM
Saturday, 28th September
Room E1
Chairs: Candice Delcourt & Vincent Thijs

8:30am - Opening - ASTN Co-Chairs

8:40am - Simeon Dale - QASC Australasia

8:45am - Fana Alemseged - POST-ETERNAL

8:50am - Bruce Campbell - EXTEND-IA DNase

8:55am - David Blacker - SEANCON

9:00am - Craig Anderson - I-CATCHER

9:05am - Felix Ng - EXTEND-AGNES

9:10am - Tim Kleinig - EVACUATE

9:15am - Tim Kleinig - LOTUS

9:20am - Kate Hayward - UPLIFT

9:25am - Kate Hayward - Fit4Me

9:30am - Geoffrey Cloud - CASPER

9:35am - Fiona Ellery - AVERT-DOSE

9:40am - Closing - ASTN Co-Chairs

10:00AM - 10:30AM
Saturday, 28th September
Hall F&G
10:00AM - 10:30AM
Saturday, 28th September
Hall A
11:10AM - 11:40AM
Saturday, 28th September
Hall C
11:40AM - 12:10PM
Saturday, 28th September
Hall C
1:15PM - 3:15PM
Saturday, 28th September

Please meet at RAH Ground Floor (Level 3, Lift D) near the food court at 1:10 PM.

Complimentary with registration, RSVP compulsory

This workshop will be led by our invited keynote speaker and MIS pioneer Professor Chris Kellner and will focus on MIS techniques and troubleshooting, especially with the Integra Life Sciences AURORA Surgiscope and Evacuator. It is aimed especially at colleagues participating in (or interested in) the EVACUATE trial of MIS for ICH, but is open to all Colleagues who would like to learn more about this new frontier in stroke treatment.

Invited International Presenter: Prof Chris Kellner
Local Convenors: Amal Abou Hamden and Tim Kleinig