Hyun Ah Kim Asia Pacific Stroke Conference 2024

Hyun Ah Kim

Dr Helena Kim obtained her PhD in Neuroscience from the Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health at University of Melbourne in 2011. After her PhD, she joined the Vascular Biology and Immunopharmacology Group (VBIG) headed by Professors Christopher Sobey and Grant Drummond at the Department of Pharmacology, Monash University. In 2017, she joined Department of Microbiology, Anatomy, Physiology and Pharmacology at La Trobe University, and now leads the Stroke and Brain Inflammation division within the Centre for Cardiovascular Biology and Disease Research. She has published >40 peer-reviewed papers in internationally recognised journals, including Brain, Behaviour & Immunity, Nature Communications, Stroke, and Cardiovascular Research. Helena has received recognition for her work including an NHMRC Ideas Grant (CIB), CASS Medicine/Science Grant (CIA), philanthropic funding (CIB), La Trobe Proof of Concept fund (CIB), and industry partnerships. She is currently exploring inflammatory mechanisms that might contribute to brain injury and neurological outcome following ischemic stroke and how these might be targeted with cell-based therapies.

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