Yohanna Kusuma Asia Pacific Stroke Conference 2024

Yohanna Kusuma

Dr. Yohanna Kusuma is a Senior Consultant Neurologist, Head of Neurosonology Services, and an honorary lecturer at the National Brain Centre Hospital-Airlangga University, Jakarta, Indonesia. She graduated cum laude (with honors) from the University of Indonesia as a Neurologist in 2007 and completed fellowship training in Neurosonology, Clinical Stroke, and Research at the National Neuroscience Institute, Singapore General Hospital, and Tan Tock Seng Hospital from 2008-2008, as well as at the National University Hospital from 2011-2013. She is a recipient of a scholarship for a Doctor of Philosophy at Deakin University, Australia. She is affiliated with The Royal Melbourne Hospital, The University of Melbourne, and Deakin University, Australia. She is certified in Neurosonology from the World Federation of Neurology Neurosonology Research Group (WFN-NSRG) in 2009 and is a Registered Physician in Neurovascular Interpretation by the American Society of Neuroimaging (RPNI-ASN) in 2013. Her main interests are in stroke, thrombolysis, and neurosonology. She has published numerous papers and books, been invited to speak at multiple stroke meetings, and serves as a journal reviewer and on the editorial board of the Frontiers in Stroke Journal. She represents Indonesia in the Asia Pacific Stroke Organization and the Asian Stroke Advisory Panel (ASAP). She has received several awards, including 1st place for lecture presentation at the 4th Scientific Meeting INA-SH, Jakarta 2010, winner of oral presentation at APSC Tokyo 2012, Grant Recipient of USD 37,800 from Elang Mahkota Teknology Tbk (EMTEK) for RAPID software (4-year license), Travel Grant Awardee at ICSU 2018 & 1st AKJSC Korea 2018, and Best Free Paper Awards at APSC Korea 2020.

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