Oral Presentation Asia Pacific Stroke Conference 2024

Use of macromolecule carbonylation to differentiate between Transient Ischaemic Attacks (TIAs), TIA mimics, and minor stroke. (107567)

Deeksha Sharma 1 , Serena A Barnes 1 , Suzanne Edwards 1 , Joshua Mahadevan 2 , Craig Kurunawai 2 , Timothy Kleinig 2 , Jim Jannes 2 , Simon Koblar 2 , Monica Anne Hamilton-Bruce 2 , Erik Noschka 1 , Roman Kostecki 1
  1. The University of Adelaide, Adelaide, SA, Australia
  2. Central Adelaide Local Health Network, Adelaide, SA, Australia


Transient Ischaemic Attacks (TIAs) are a key predictor for ischaemic stroke but are difficult to distinguish from pathologies such as migraines and seizures. Oxidative stress has a significant role in ischaemic stroke, and protein carbonyls are a specific marker of oxidative protein damage, serving as a predictor of stroke mortality. A novel in vivo oxidative status (IVOS) biosensor capable of rapidly measuring macromolecule carbonylation may be a potential diagnostic tool to distinguish TIA from minor strokes (MS) and TIA mimics (TIAM).


To determine if IVOS can differentiate between TIAs, TIAM, and MS.


Patients presenting with TIA-like symptoms were recruited at the Royal Adelaide Hospital (n=107). Plasma samples (9 mL) were collected within 48 hours of symptom onset and stored according to HUPO guidelines. Plasma was stored at -80°C until analysis. Frozen-thawed plasma were measured for protein carbonyls using a 488nm blue light excitation, and emission wavelengths (515-520nm) were quantified. All patients were clinically classified independently as TIAs/TIAM/MS by vascular neurologists.


Patients (n = 107; 57 Females, 50 Males) were enrolled with ages ranging from 39–94 years (Median: 72y). All patients were classified based on clinical data with 41% diagnosed as a TIAM. Preliminary findings showed oxidative status (carbonylation of macromolecules) with signals above baseline in all patients. Further data analysis is ongoing.


Preliminary results suggest that the IVOS biosensor may differentiate between TIAs, TIAM, and MS.