Short Oral + Poster Presentation Asia Pacific Stroke Conference 2024

The Prevalence and Risk Factors Associated with Poststroke Depression (PSD) in Thailand  (107498)

Sirichai Chusiri 1 , Rattayaporn Jaikusol 2 , Aurauma Chutinet 3 , Phantipa Sakthong 1
  1. Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand
  2. Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences Chulalongkorn University, Pathumwan, BANGKOK, Thailand
  3. Medicine , Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn University, King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital, Bangkok, Thailand

Purpose: Poststroke Depression (PSD) is a common complication of stroke, associated with physical and mental health. patients suffer from PSD or increased risk of mortality. The study aims to assess the prevalence and risk factors associated with PSD.

Methods: We performed a cross-sectional study in consecutive patients ≥18 years with ischemic stroke within 1 year after stroke onset in stroke clinic at the King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital, Thailand. Patients with post stroke dementia were excluded from the study. The demographic data was collected. The Thai version of Post-Stroke Depression Scale (PSDS-T) was used for evaluating PSD. The prevalence of PSD was evaluated, and risk factors associated with PSD were assessed using multivariate logistic regression.

Results: There were 360 patients, and 195 patients were male (54.2%). The mean age was 64 years old. The median duration of stroke was 4.8 ± 3.8 months.PSD was present in 16.9% of cases. Risk factors for patients included low education, taking more drugs daily, having a first-degree family with a mental illness, and complication of stroke included having issues with speech, swallowing, fall. 

Conclusion: The prevalence of poststroke depression within 1 year in a single university hospital in Thailand was 16.9%. Risk factors included low education ,a family history of psychiatric disorder, taking multiple medications per day, and complication of stroke included having issues with speech, swallowing, fall.