Poster Presentation Asia Pacific Stroke Conference 2024

6 months Post Stroke Rehabilitation Clinic: Patients' Experience Survey (#467)

Vun Vun Wong 1 2 , Geomol Joseph 1
  1. Rehabilitation, Aged Care and Palliative Care, Flinders Medical Centre, Adelaide, SOUTH AUSTRALIA, Australia
  2. Flinders University, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia

Background and Aims

Since 2019, we established a stroke rehabilitation clinic in Flinders Medical Centre to follow up stroke patients 6 months after their acute stroke rehabilitation journey. The stroke rehabilitation clinic is a multi-disciplinary clinic consists of medical, nursing, physiotherapist and pharmacist input. The purpose of the clinic is to provide stroke patients a holistic review including review of their secondary prevention medications, any complications post stroke and to address any post stroke psychosocial issues. The aim of this study is to review patients’ experience of the clinic.


A survey was undertaken of the stroke rehabilitation clinic patients between the period of July to August 2023 and April and May 2024. 


A total of 25 patients undertaken the survey. 24 (96%) of the patients felt the assessments were relevant to them and their concerns were addressed during the review. Similarly, 96% of the patients felt very or extremely satisfied with the service. Patients commented that they were provided with more information and was very pleased with the support provided to them. Only one patient reports the clinic structure was overwhelming.


After patients are discharged from either the acute or rehabilitation service, there is no consistent follow up service offered. Based on our experience, a follow up service is essential to allow patient and their family an opportunity for reassessment of their condition 6 months post stroke and to discuss their ongoing recovery. This has been a valuable ongoing service for patients post stroke.