Poster Presentation Asia Pacific Stroke Conference 2024

Partnering with industry to raise awareness of stroke risk (#380)

Jo Lambert 1
  1. Stroke Foundation of New Zealand, Wellington, WELLINGTON, New Zealand


SFNZ has prototyped and rolled out Health15, to bring expert health and wellbeing advice directly to the building and construction sector. Health15 provides onsite wellness checks focused on BP and AF, as well as ongoing follow-up support and educational resources to this high-risk group, to help lower the risk of long-term health conditions such as stroke, cancer, heart disease and diabetes.  


By partnering with sector experts, Health15 is a tailored NCD health promotion and stroke prevention service.  Following a collaborative design process, and a pilot project, Health15 has been rolled out across NZ, now with 14 construction industry partners, including government. Over 1000 construction workers have already participated in the Health15 experience.


3% of people tested have BP readings so high we recommend they see a doctor within 24 hours. By covering the cost of GP follow up, Health15 reduces significant access barriers and supports workers to take action about their health.

- 80% of participants learn something new which will help them lead a healthier lifestyle.

- 80% of participants become more motivated to change their lifestyle.

- 100% would recommend Health15 to other worksites and colleagues.

- Health15 has achieved sector endorsement through a green star rating from the NZ Green Building Council.


Health15 targets a high stroke risk segment of the population supporting SFNZ's strategic focus on equity. Over the next year it will be rolled out to other sectors, taking stroke prevention messages and risk assessment on site to vulnerable populations.