Poster Presentation Asia Pacific Stroke Conference 2024

Exploring therapists' experiences of an education website to support telehealth delivery of constraint movement therapy.  (#403)

Kate Makroglou 1 2 , Nicola Fearn 2 3 , Bianca Portelli 2 , Helen Badge 1 , Anna Kilkenny 4 5 , Jessamy Boydell 6 , Annie Meharg 7 , Lauren J Christie 1 2
  1. Faculty of Health Science, Australian Catholic University, Sydney, NSW, Australia
  2. St Vincent's Hospital Sydney, Darlinghurst, NSW, Australia
  3. Sydney School of Health Sciences, University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW
  4. Physiotherapy, Centre for Health and Social Practice, Wintec, Hamilton, New Zealand
  5. Align Health, Cambridge, New Zealand
  6. Arms Reach OT, Bristol, United Kingdom
  7. Private Practitioner, United Kingdom


Constraint induced movement therapy (CIMT) is a proven method for improving arm function after acquired brain injury [1]. Many clinicians lack the knowledge and confidence needed to implement CIMT in routine practice. Other well established barriers to implementing CIMT relate to therapist and patient time, environmental constraints and participant travel [2].

Remote delivery of CIMT via telehealth (TeleCIMT) aims to eliminate some of these barriers by providing a flexible and adaptable option which can be delivered to patients in their own homes. The direct therapist/patient time is also reduced significantly when delivering this intervention in a remote format. was developed in response to the pandemic in 2020 by an international group of Occupational Therapists and Physiotherapists, to support the rapid shift to telehealth. The website includes educational videos and resources for therapists, patients and carers. 

This research aimed to assess the impact of on clinician knowledge, skills and delivery of CIMT via telehealth (TeleCIMT).


40 therapists participated in an online survey seeking information related to their demographics, CIMT and TeleCIMT experience, barriers and enables to TeleCIMT (using the COM-B framework)[3] and their feedback on the overall use of the website. Website analytic data was used to understand website traffic and engagement with video content. 


Respondents frequently used the website resources and overall felt they had the knowledge, skills and motivation to deliver TeleCIMT, however 60% of respondents did not routinely use this intervention in their practice, suggesting additional strategies are needed to support implementation.