Poster Presentation Asia Pacific Stroke Conference 2024

Optimizing Post Stroke Recovery: A Case Study of a 99-Day SWEETT Intervention Program (#448)

Binish Syed 1
  1. CARA Rehablitation Centre, Secunderabad, Telangana, India

Background: It is reported that first few months are the golden period for post stroke patient in rehabilitation to reach its maximum potential. However, mostly due to negligence and time frame the recovery period is lost and thus complete recovery is unlikely. Methods: Suspension, weight-bearing, electrical stimulation, endurance, time-framed, task-oriented (SWEETT) is the designed goal setting for this treatment. The study aimed to provide evidence that SWEETT goals play a crucial role in Stroke Rehabilitation recovery. The study illustrates a clinical 99-day intervention program of a 63-year-old female with right CG Bleed and left hemiplegia, well-oriented, GCS-15, following commands, pre-training scores using (Manual Muscle Testing)MMT Oxford scale scored 0/5 upper limb and 1/5 lower limb. Given the time duration, 60 minutes in the first 33 sessions, 90 minutes post 33 sessions, progressed by 120 minutes in last 33 sessions, dividing two sessions - 60 minutes each to avoid muscle fatigue. Results: Reassessment was followed after 33 sessions and MMT grading scored 0/5 wrist, 1/5 elbow, 0/5 shoulder and 2/5 ankle, knee and hip. Post 66 sessions result scored 1/5 wrist, 2/5 elbow, 2/5 shoulder and 3/5 for ankle knee & hip. Post 99 sessions MMT grading scored 2/5 wrist, 4/5 elbow, 3/5 shoulder and 4/5 ankle, knee and hip. Results showed improvement in muscle contractions, muscle strength, endurance, range of motion and coordinated movements. Conclusion: Complete recovery is likely if followed by SWEETT goals program in the early phases of a post stroke to avoid complications and delay.